Friday, April 17, 2015

What Causes This Childhood Cancer?

One of the first things that a patient wants to know after being diagnosed with any illness is: what caused this? This concept is especially true for those who have been diagnosed with cancer or in the case of children, family members may be the ones asking the questions. Often times parents are worried that it was caused by some action that they did or did not take; they blame themselves for the child's neuroblastoma diagnosis. However, it is important to understand that there is not always a clear explanation for what caused a certain disease (or in this case, cancer).
Neuroblastoma is a mysterious cancer. Little is understood about the reason it develops and currently there are no lifestyle or environmental factors that may be contributing to its development. As you may know, lung cancer may be caused by carcinogens breathed in while smoking a cigarette (a lifestyle and/or environmental factor) but there is no apparent reason that a child will develop neuroblastoma.
Researchers have discovered that neuroblastomas are formed from nerve cells called neuroblasts. It is known that if neuroblasts fail to become mature cells, they may continue to divide and grow creating the childhood cancer we know as neuroblastoma. Other possible causes include gene mutations during fetal development or changes that may occur after birth because of an inherited trait from one or both parents.

It can be extremely frustrating and saddening to learn that the cause of this cancer is unknown so offering support to family members is important. There are many groups that individuals or family may join to learn more about neuroblastoma or to find support from others who are struggling with a similar diagnosis. Hospitals and clinics should be able to help direct those interested in finding specific support groups.

Next week we will explore in more detail how a neuroblastoma is diagnosed and how the disease progresses...

Locations where neuroblastomas develop
Picture source

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